Thursday, August 9, 2012

173.0 Losing Weight To My "Potential"

So at my re-assessment last week Ashley was all like, "You're not losing weight to your potential.  Next month I want to see an 8-lb loss."  Which is all well and good, and I know that she's right, but I'm sort of ok with my 5 lbs per moth--at least for now, when it's my initial monthly goal.  The thing is, I'm ok with losing weight relatively slowly as long I have a net loss each month, if it means that I feel like I'm eating (and drinking) the things I want to.  I prefer that to losing more weight but depriving myself of things.  Remember people, I'm a foodie!  I think I'm doing pretty well for someone whose go-to cookbook is Cook's Illustrated.  Obviously I'm trying to make healthier choices, trying to delete chips and cut back on dessert and the like, but when I roast a chicken to perfect crispness on the outside and moistness on the inside, you better believe I'll be eating the whole chicken leg, with the skin on.  Speaking of that, I'm about to have fried chicken for dinner, because Jack is getting his wisdom teeth out tomorrow and wanted to have a really good "last meal" beforehand.  Whatever.  It's been a while since I've had fried chicken.  But I don't expect to be at that end-of-the-week weight I wanted to be tomorrow.

Well that's enough ranting!  Unfortunately I gained .6 lbs in the last 2 days.  Maybe because last night Jack and I and our friend John went to a sports bar and I had a reuben with fries and 2 beers.  Actually I didn't make the healthiest choices yesterday in general.  My workout was an hour and 20 minute bike ride followed by a 20 minute walk.  Here's what I ate:

large tomato with salt
slice of zucchini bread with butter
reuben with fries
2 light beers
lemon bar
glass of milk

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