Tuesday, August 14, 2012

171.0 Spin Class

Today I went to the spin class for the first time.  It was a pretty good time; I sweat a lot (a lot more than regular biking, once you remove the heat variable) and we were going "uphill" pretty much the whole time.  I think I still prefer biking outside though; it's a bit nicer to be able to see the scenery change around you.  And I always get an adrenaline rush when I start to go really fast!  I may still go to this class once a week, or just keep it in the back of my mind until winter comes.

I seem to have gained a pound yesterday, but they may just be because I weighed myself pretty late in the day, although I did have a couple drinks last night as well as cake and ice cream.  Yesterday for my workout I went to the hour-long body pump class, then did the elliptical for 5 minutes, then walked for .7 miles and ran for half a mile.  Here's what I ate:

slice of zucchini bread with butter
leftover roasted chicken leg and wing
nonfat greek yogurt
4 small pieces of breaded venison
small portion of cole slaw
1 glass of red wine
1 wheat beer
slice of lemon cake with a scoop of ice cream

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