Thursday, August 16, 2012

170.8 Over-ate, Still Lost Weight

Thankfully I lost some weight yesterday--.8 lbs.  I actually expected to have gained weight because of everything I ate (and drank) last night at our "cooking club."  I really overdid it on the donuts--they were soooo good, but it was way too much sugar.  In fact, I felt sick afterwards.  I tried to cool it today, so hopefully tomorrow I will be somewhat close to my goal end-of-week weight (ideally 169 lbs).  For my workout yesterday I did the elliptical for 20 minutes, walked for 25 minutes, and ran half a mile.  Here's what I ate:

small glass of carrot juice
bottle of Muscle Milk (protein shake)
roll with olive oil and balsamic
1.5 braised chicken thighs with skin
roasted root vegetables
about 3 donuts with glaze and cinnamon sugar
3 glasses of red wine
1 glass of white wine
large glass of milk

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