Saturday, August 11, 2012

170.4 Reward Dress

In much the same way that Cherise Kelley, in her blog Size 12 By St. Patrick's Day, bought a dress to wear on St. Patrick's Day for when she reached her goal weight, today I bought a dress to wear on New Years 2013 for when I will have reached my goal weight.  I got the last size medium they had, so I'm glad I bought it when I did (I've had my eye on it for a while now).  It's a bit revealing, but I know that once I'm down to my goal weight, I'll feel confident enough to show a little skin!

I've been doing the elliptical for the past few days now (I would bike but I still have a flat tire) and I'm starting to like it again.  Today I noticed that I'm feeling it more in my abs than I did before.  Interesting!  Tomorrow I may try out the spin class at another location of the gym I go to.

I didn't each much yesterday because Jack got his wisdom teeth out and couldn't eat.  It was a mixture of not wanting to cook just for myself and not really feeling hungry anyway.  For my workout yesterday I did 20 minutes on the elliptical then walked 20 minutes on the treadmill.  Here's what I ate:

slice of zucchini bread with butter
0% greek yogurt
mini double fudge cookie dough blizzard from DQ

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