Tuesday, August 28, 2012

170.6 The Hobbit

Any Tolkien fans out there?  I'm a big fan myself, and can't wait until the first Hobbit movie comes out this December (just imagine....me, almost at (or at) my goal weight, watching the movie I've been waiting to see for months!).  I've always been a huge nerd when it comes to The Lord of the Rings, but once trailers started coming out for The Hobbit, I realized I hardly remember anything about it.  I think I was 12 or 13 when I read it, and I need to read it again before the movie comes out!  I know I have a copy somewhere at my parents' house.  Anyway, today I came across a wallpaper generator online which lets you take the poster above and turn it into your desktop wallpaper or cover photo on facebook.  I was happy to discover that because I had previously tried to make it my cover photo and it just didn't work.  Here's the link to the wallpaper generator.

I seem to have gained almost 2 lbs yesterday, but I think this is probably at least mostly due to the fact that I did pilates and had a pretty heavy lunch before going to the gym and weighing myself.  Yesterday for my workout I went to the body pump class then did the elliptical for 10 minutes, walked for 20 minutes, and ran half a mile.  Here's what I ate:

granola bar
mango protein shake
1/2 avocado
nonfat greek yogurt
small portion of leftover kung pao chicken
2 small tomatoes with salt
small seared tuna steak
small portion of wild rice
small salad
some chocolates from a box that Jack gave me for our anniversary
small glass of red wine

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