Well it seems that even though I tried my darndest to lose weight yesterday, I still gained weight. I had a very light meal for dinner and ate nothing more even though I was still hungry afterwards. Later, after laying in bed for a couple hours without sleeping, I realized I was never going to fall asleep with my tummy rumbling so I went for a midnight snack. Perhaps eating so late is the reason I gained the weight.
I went to the pilates class today and it was great. It made me realize how inflexible I am! Like I said before, I used to do pilates all the time years back and I was much more flexible back then. I would like to get back to that state. The other day, I found this 20-minute Windsor Pilates video on youtube. It's the same one my sister Katie and I bought together back in high school and did so often. It brings back memories! I'm going to start doing this at home at least once a week (there are other 20-30 minute pilates videos on youtube too); all I have to do is hook the laptop up to the TV, make some room, and pull out my yoga mat! :)
Now for some bad news: my "reward dress" came in the mail the other day and I'm going to have to return it. It is RIDICULOUSLY small. If I didn't know what size it was, I would've guessed XS. Even at my goal weight it wouldn't fit me because it looks like it's made for a very petite/short/small-boned person (aka not me!). I can't exchange it for a bigger size because they were already sold out of the size large. I will just have to keep my eye out for another new years dress!
Yesterday for my workout I went to the muscle works class. Here's what I ate:
0% greek yogurt
glass of V8
package of cream cheese crackers
bowl of lentil soup
glass of Naked juice
midnight snack: hardboiled egg, handful of shredded cheddar cheese, 3 spoonfuls of almond butter, and a glass of milk
I think you would lose if you did 30 minutes of cardio a day. Strength training is great for definition, but it is cardio that burns the calories, in my experience. I just walk for cardio. It's lower impact than running. I think lower impact is better, but it is just an amateur opinion.