Monday, June 11, 2012

181.2 Rainy Day

I much prefer sunshine to rain in general, but we haven't been getting much rain here in St. Louis, so today's rainy, blustery day felt like a treat.  It felt like a great day to sit in a coffee shop and do homework, so I grabbed my book, my computer, my new neon orange rain jacket, and my Starbuck's gift card, and did just that.  Once there, I was pretty productive; the only downside was that my grande iced coffee made me a little jittery (coffee affects me more now that I hardly ever drink it).

As I stated in yesterday's post, my workout yesterday was a bike ride with Jack.  Here's what I ate:

grilled lambchop
1 BBQ rib
green beans (the kind that are a little more fattening)
corn on cob with butter and salt
raw veggies
1 slice homemade apple pie with whipped topping
3 or 4 mimosas

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