Friday, June 22, 2012

178.8 Lost 1.2 Lbs This Week

Grrrrr, why did I have to eat those wings and pizza late last night??  I know that's why I gained .6 lbs yesterday.  I was really hoping to have lost at least 2 lbs this week.  Oh well...

Tomorrow we have a wedding to go to, and a few of Jack's old friends are in town for it.  This afternoon Mike and Emily, whose wedding we attended in Seattle last April, are coming over for BBQing.  I'm excited to see them and for the rest of the weekend!

Yesterday I ran 1.25 miles, walked .25 miles, and went to the Muscle Works class.  Here's what I ate:

hardboiled egg
a few pieces of salami
medium sized slice of salmon
nonfat cottage cheese with cracked pepper and sage
2 small slices of pizza (the square kind)
3 chicken wings
salad with cheese and italian dressing

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