Sunday, May 6, 2012

189.0 What Happened??

I gained 1.2 lbs yesterday which is a bit confusing.  Although I celebrated Cinco de Mayo last night, I didn't think I did too bad.  Perhaps the margueritas had more calories than I thought, or perhaps it is water weight from how salty the food was.  If it's the latter, then I should see some weight loss tomorrow.

For my workout yesterday, I did the elliptical for 20 minutes, walked uphill on the treadmill for 20 minutes, and ran a quarter of a mile.  My total mileage was 3.5 miles.

What I ate and drank yesterday:

1.25 cups cereal with milk
2 shrimp corn dogs (I don't know.  They were good and much smaller than regular corn dogs.)
nonfat greek yogurt
chips and salsa
3 fish tacos with beans and rice
3 margueritas
1 bloody mary

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