Monday, May 7, 2012

188.0 My Very First Garden!

Yesterday Jack and I (with the help of his parents and our friend Drew) planted a garden!  We don't have much of a yard and it's very shady, so our garden is in Jack's grandma's backyard, which has plenty of room and gets lots of sun.  Since his grandpa used to garden a lot, Jack is a bit of a seasoned gardener, but I had absolutely no experience!  I learned a lot and had a great time.  It was hard work though, especially in the 90 degree heat!  Although this area was the same spot Jack's grandpa used to garden it, it hadn't been used in a few years; therefore the whole area (about 20 by 30 feet) had to be overturned with shovels and tilled a few times.  I can't really say I took part in any of that!  I helped put up the fence and plant the vegetables and herbs.  We planted mainly tomatoes and hot peppers, but there's also bell peppers, lettuce, green beans, cucumbers, horseradish, squashes, and various herbs.  I can't wait til it's ready to harvest!

So that was my workout yesterday.  I lost a pound yesterday, which sounds like a lot, but I was hoping to be under 178.8 which is what I was two days ago.  Since I'm not, I'm led to believe that my weight gain two days ago was partly water weight and partly too many calories.  I'm not too worried about it, however, because I'm already more than a quarter way to my goal for the month in less than a week.

Here's what I ate yesterday:

1.25 cups cereal with milk
Pickleman's chipotle chicken sandwich on wheat bread
glass of homemade lemonade (with 1 T sugar)
hamburger on toasted bun with smidgen of mayo and mustard
baked beans
2 slices garlic bread

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