Saturday, May 19, 2012

184 Unexpected Loss

I don't think I have any idea what actually makes me gain or lose weight.  I weighed today fully expecting to have gained at least a pound, and I lost .8!  I did do a pretty good workout yesterday, but I did the same workout a couple days ago when I GAINED .8 lbs.  That day I had 3 drinks, yesterday I had 6.  Maybe weighing myself everyday is just misleading since it fluctuates naturally anyway.

Yesterday for my workout I did 20 minutes on the elliptical, 20 on the treadmill, and ran half a mile.  My total mileage was 4 miles.  Here's what I ate:

1 donut
leftover sausage with mayo
cottage cheese
small glass lemonade
very greasy steak sandwich on texas toast with fries and cole slaw
2 bites carrot cake
1 Bud Light
4 cocktails
1 shot

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