Friday, May 25, 2012

182.4 All Right Then!

Ok!  It would seem I lost 2.2 lbs yesterday, surpassing my goal by .6 lbs.  I think this may be a bit misleading since I didn't eat before going to the gym.  I went there earlier than usual and wasn't hungry yet.  But I think at least part of it is actual loss and this shows that my gain from the day before yesterday was probably from water retention.  I ate a very light lunch yesterday, and if I can lose this much weight daily just by doing that, I might start making it a habit.  I was a bit hungry throughout the day until dinner though.

Yesterday for my workout I did 20 minutes on the elliptical (stepped it up a level towards the end) and 20 minutes on the treadmill (also stepped up the incline a bit).  Then I walked for half a mile and ran for half a mile, bringing my distance to 4.5 miles.  Here's what I ate:

3 carrots
nonfat cottage cheese
penne with red sauce
1 Bud Light
1 Kraeftig Light
3 bites of leftover Chinese food

EDIT: I forgot to add that I am leaving town this weekend and will not have internet access, therefore I will not be able to post again until late Monday.  Have a good Memorial Day Weekend!

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