Monday, July 16, 2012

178.2 Gained 2.4 Lbs This Weekend

Wow.  Look at that, I gained back almost all the weight I lost last week over the weekend.  This weekend we stayed at Jack's family's farm, which is really not a good place to be for someone trying to lose weight.  I always end up eating a ton of junk food and drinking a lot because 1. there's not much else to do there, and 2. everyone always brings lots of junk/snack foods.  So I ended up eating a bunch of chips, cookies, M&Ms, etc.  And don't forget the beer!  Next time we go there, I'm going to try to talk Jack into going just for one day and night to try to avoid this happening again.

Despite my negativity, I had a good time over the weekend.  We relaxed on the lake, played cards and other games, and rode around on 4-wheelers looking at deer.  Allow me to outline the past few days:

Friday I walked half a mile, ran 1.6 miles alternating between 6.6 and 6.8 mph, then walked another .6 miles.  Here's what I ate:

hardboiled egg
1 carrot with sour cream dip
1 serving (1 cup) yogurt smoothie
2 thin slices salami
1 slice cheese
2 handfuls chocolate covered nuts
dinner at a BBQ restaurant: small plate of "hog 'n tater salad" (fried potatoes and bacon with sauce, not really a salad at all), 3 BBQ ribs, few bites of fried fish, few bites of mashed potatoes and gravy, few bites of baked beans, and a few fries
2 oreos
handful peanut M&Ms
7 Bud Lights

Saturday I swam in the lake.  Here's what I ate:

2 small sausage patties
biscuit with jam
4 strawberries and 5 cherries
hot dog with bun and mustard
4 deviled eggs (2 whole eggs)
2 frozen chocolate vodka drinks (low cal)
strip steak
1/2 twice baked potato
roasted veggies
small slice of chocolate cake
6 Bud Lights
vodka tea drink

Yesterday Jack and I swam at the pool.  Here's what I ate:

2 small sausage patties
1 slice bacon
1 piece of toast
handful blueberries
1 cup yogurt smoothie
glass of strawberry milk
bratwurst with bun, sauerkraut, and mustard
corn on the cob with butter and salt

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