Thursday, July 12, 2012

177.0 Spicy Pickles and Pickled Eggs

Today I set out to make some spicy pickled eggs.  Jack made some a couple months ago using cayenne powder and they turned out great, so I thought I would try some using the tabasco chili peppers from our garden.  I filled up two jars with 20 peeled hardboiled eggs (more on that later) then filled them with boiling pickling juice which contained (note: we don't use canning/sanitization techniques because we just stick the jars in our fridge.  If we ever get really good at this and make larger batches that have to be stored at room temp, we will have to start canning):

10 cups cider vinegar
3 T pickling spice which we got at a local spice shop
about 10 red tabasco peppers, chopped, with seeds

Realizing that 10 cups of pickling juice was way too much, I decided to make some pickles too, which I had been meaning to do anyway.  There were 2 cucumbers in our fridge, so I sliced one lengthwise and one widthwise, filling 2 more jars.  Then I just added the same boiling liquid to the jars.  Later I realized that you need a slightly different recipe for the juice for pickles than what is used for eggs.  I looked at a bunch of recipes and they all included either sugar or salt, or both.  So these probably won't turn out very good but they might be ok.

About peeling the eggs:  I made a big mistake and boiled eggs that were very fresh, making them near impossible to peel (as a result, many of the eggs have sort of a pocked appearance).  I won't be making this mistake again!  However, during the process of peeling them I did learn the hard way a few good tips and tricks:

1. Crack and roll the egg around lightly and evenly.  If you roll too hard, you might break the surface of the actual egg.
2. Put the egg under cold running water for a second
3. Start peeling at the small end of the egg.  For some reason I found that the shell comes off easier and in larger chunks when starting from this end.
4. There is a very thin membrane under the shell.  Be sure to peel this with the shell (just makes it easier).
5. Once the shell is off, place the egg under cold running water again to rinse off any remaining shell pieces.

The best tip, however, is probably just to make sure you boil eggs that are almost at, or even past, the expiration date.

Last night Jack and I went to see Beach House and Wild Nothing at the Pageant.  It was a pretty good show, but drinks were pretty expensive and there were some really annoying people in front of us.  When we got home, I ate some chips, but this time because I was actually hungry!

Yesterday for my workout I walked for half a mile, ran 1.6 miles alternating between 6.5 mph and 6.7 mph, walked another half mile, then ran another half mile at 6.7 mph.  Here's what I ate:

2 banana peppers
1 serving (1 cup) yogurt smoothie
1/2 mocha frappuccino
2 sushi rolls
small bowl of miso soup
small cucumber salad
5 Bud Lights

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