Monday, October 1, 2012

167.6 Lost 0.6 Lbs in September

I was actually 170.0 when I weighed myself today, but I'm going to take yesterday's "morning weight" as my end-of-the-month weight, since I'm pretty sure I weighed myself in the morning at the end of the month last month.  So just to keep things consistent.  And also to keep me working harder this month!

In order to reach my goal of 145 lbs by New Years, I need to lose 7-8 pounds each month for the next 3 months.  September was bad, mainly because of the vacation and starting the new job.  This month I will be kicking it into high gear--no unhealthy snacks and no drinking during the week.

Yesterday for my workout I did the elliptical for 10 minutes, ran .75 miles, and walked 1 mile.  Here's what I ate:

1 serving kefir
granola bar
5 dates
large serving beef jerky
1/2 avocado
4 small slices of pizza
2 chicken wings
large salad with italian dressing
1 glass of red wine

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