Thursday, October 11, 2012

166.2 KC This Weekend

This weekend I'm going back to Kansas City for my sister's bridal shower and bachelorette party.  She's getting married in November.  I'm excited!  It's supposed to be a pretty nice weekend, weather-wise.  Unfortunately, I'm not going to have time to work out while I'm there.  Hopefully that doesn't do too much damage!

As of today, I haven't really lost much weight this week, although yesterday I was 165.8.  I think my weight gain today might be from water retention.  I think it also partly results from the fact that I've come down with a pretty bad cold in the last couple days.

Well, I suppose I'll give a breakdown of the last few days.  Monday I did 10 minutes on the elliptical and walked 25 minutes.  Here's what I ate:

egg, sausage, and cheese sandwich on english muffin
glass of OJ
chili with cheese
1 mini muffin
medium portion of stir fry
medium portion of rice
1 fig newton

Tuesday I took a 50 minute bike ride.  Here's what I ate:

omelette with cheese
2 slices of toasted raisin bread
sandwich on skinny wheat bread with ham, cheese, avocado, mayo, and mustard
3 mini muffins
granola bar
grilled chicken leg (no skin)
small portion baked beans
small portion cole slaw

Yesterday I went to Body Pump.  Here's what I ate:

blueberry bagel with cream cheese
2 mini muffins
grilled chicken breast
medium portion rice
muscle milk
breaded chicken sandwich
about 5 strawberries with light whipped topping

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