Sunday, October 28, 2012

161.4 My Fitness Pal

The other day I discovered My Fitness Pal, and I can't believe I hadn't known about it before!  Its main purpose is as a calorie counter, and while I don't really count calories, it has a lot of other useful attributes.  You can use it to track how much weight you've lost, and it makes graphs and charts for you (I love that stuff!).  You can also keep track of your workouts.  One fun thing it does is, at the end of the day when you've entered all the food you ate and what you did for your workout, it says, "if every day was like this, you would weigh x lbs. in 5 weeks."  I think it really helps put things in perspective.  You can also link other apps to it, such as apps that track how far and how fast you run or bike.  It's the most useful and efficient if you have a smartphone (you can enter foods just by scanning the barcode on the package), but you definitely don't need one.  You can access your account using any sort of device.

Friday for my workout I did the elliptical for 10 minutes, walked half a mile, ran a mile, walked another half mile, and went to body pump.  Here's what I ate:

granola bar
1/2 strip steak
salad with cheese and caesar dressing
granola bar
2 handfuls mixed nuts
2 soft pretzel sticks with queso dip
2 chicken wings
1 beer
handful pecans

Yesterday I took a break and did not work out.  Here's what I ate:

a few onion rings
6 jalapeno poppers
2 Mich Ultras
3 shrimp with alfredo sauce
blackened mahi mahi filet with alfredo sauce
large portion roasted veggies
salad with cheese and light italian dressing
1 roll with butter
1 pumpkin beer
1 glass white wine
1 Bud Light
2 small chocolates
1 small s'more bar

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