Sunday, October 21, 2012

163.4 Big Ol' Biceps

Today while I was getting ready I flexed my arms in front of the mirror and was aghast at how muscular they are!!  It looked like someone else's (a man's?) arms on my body.  My biceps are pretty big, and my triceps have quite a bit of definition as well.  It feels great to know that going to body pump twice a week has really made a difference...and also that maybe my lack of weightloss lately is from muscle gain after all.

Today I stayed the same weight as I was yesterday.  Yesterday for my workout I did the elliptical for 10 minutes, walked half a mile, ran half a mile, walked another half mile, and ran another half mile.  Here's what I ate:

2 chicken lettuce wraps
bowl of hot and sour soup
3 chicken dumplings
3 shrimp dumplings
corn on cob with butter and salt
medium portion potato salad
small portion cole slaw
2 beers

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