Saturday, October 6, 2012

165.2 Re-assessment

I had my re-assessment today!  As I sort of expected, the results aren't too exciting (last month wasn't a very successful month).  But here they are (this month/how much lost since last month/how much lost total):

shoulders: 43/0/-5.5
chest: 38.5/-.25/-5
waist: 38/+1/-2
hips: 40/0/-1.5
thighs: 21.25/0/-1.25
arms: 10.75/-.25/-1.25
BF%: 31.1/-.1/-3.9

Ashley gave me some sad news today: I only get one more free re-assessment.  :(  Maybe I can talk her into a couple more to take me through New Years.  I guess I could just learn how to measure myself, but it probably would not be consistent with how she has been measuring me.

It has gotten really cold here the last couple days, and while I hate the cold, I'm kind of enjoying this weather just because of how "fall" it feels.  There's a different smell and a sort of "briskness" in the air that I love about fall.  Today Jack and I are going to a beer festival in a small town not too far from here.  We went last year and it was a blast.  Like always, I'm a bit worried about blowing my diet, but I've told myself I will only take a couple sips of each beer and only go back for seconds on 2-3 favorites.  Tonight we are staying in a bed and breakfast (which I've never done before!) and getting a massage tomorrow.  :)  I'm excited!

Yesterday for my workout I did the elliptical for 20 minutes and walked for 20 minutes.  Here's what I ate:

chocolate protein bar
2 mini muffins
sandwich on skinny wheat bread with ham, cheese, avocado, mayo, and mustard
granola bar
2 turkey jerky sticks
2 slices of braunschweiger sausage, handful of chips, and handful of cashews
6 small chocolate "nuggets"
4 Bud Lights

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