Tuesday, October 23, 2012

163.0 Loose Skin Solutions

163.0 is actually my weight from yesterday (I took a bike ride today instead of going to the gym).  I can't believe I lost 2 lbs over the weekend!  I didn't really do anything different, to my knowledge.  I'd like to lose 1 more pound by the end of the week.

Today I was thinking about how much weight I am losing in a semi-short period of time, and how that can cause extra skin to stick around and look flabby.  I searched for how to avoid and prevent this, and the first few sites I came across were pretty discouraging, saying that post-weight loss saggy skin is inevitable, and the only option is surgery (did the plastic surgeons pay these people off?), but then finally I came across a site that has some really good advice.  If you can look past this guy's relentless advertising of his own book, this article, called The Myth of Loose Skin, has some great tips on preventing saggy skin and on weight loss in general.  One of his major points is that while you are losing weight, you also need to be increasing your muscle mass, which I have already been doing, yay for me!  He also says that you need to be feeding your body enough food, not starving it (although fasting makes you lose weight quickly, it is mostly a loss of muscle).  I read on another website that it is also a good idea to stay very hydrated and apply lotion all over your body every day (both of which I also already do!).  Since I am already taking precautions, and I'm pretty young, hopefully this will not be too big of a problem for me.

Sunday for my workout I did the elliptical for 10 minutes, walked .6 miles, ran 1.2 miles, and walked .2 more miles.  Here's what I ate:

1 slice pizza
Protein bar
Bowl of beef stew
3 small chocolates
1 glass red wine
2 Mich Ultras

Yesterday I did the elliptical for 10 minutes and walked for 10 minutes.  Here's what I ate:

Beef stew
Granola bar
3 sicks of turkey jerky
Cottage cheese
1/2 chicken spinachn wrap
3 chicken wings
1.5 Bud Lights
Handful chocolate covered espresso beans

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