Thursday, September 27, 2012

169.0 Back to Normal

I went running again today, and I think the effect of the altitude has worn off.  I didn't really feel the need to run faster than normal (my max speed was 7.0 mph), but I did run a total of 1.75 miles, with a walking break in the middle.

I didn't lose any weight yesterday, which I think may be because of going to body pump.  I really hope I lose a bit of weight in the next few days, because I want to at least break even this month!

Today Jack and I met for lunch at a Thai restaurant close to where I work.  It was nice to get away from my building for a bit, and the food was pretty good.

Yesterday for my workout I ran 1.25 miles at a max speed of 7.2 then went to Body Pump.  Here's what I ate:

Ham and cheese on wheat bread with mayo
Small Greek salad with vinaigrette
Protein bar
Hamburger with lettuce and mustard on a bun
Small portion sweet potato fries
1hardboiled egg
5small squares of chocolate

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