Tuesday, September 4, 2012

167.6 Re-Assessment

Today I had my reassessment with Ashley.  Here are the results, once again starting with the measurements, followed by how much I lost since last time, followed by how much I've lost total.

shoulders: 43.0/-.75/-5.5
chest: 38.75/-3.0/-4.75
waist: 37.0/-.75/-3.0
hips: 40/0/-1.5
thighs: 21.25/-.5/-1.25
arms: 11/0/-1
BF%: 31.2%/-.3%/-3.8%

I definitely lost a lot in my chest, and more in my thighs than usual.

Yesterday for my workout I went to the body pump class then did the elliptical for 10 minutes, walked for 20 minutes, and ran half a mile.  Here's what I ate:

granola bar
chocolate protein shake
salad with lettuce, cheese, red onion, croutons, and Imo's dressing
1/2 avocado
grilled chicken leg and wing
small serving of cole slaw
2 glasses of sparkling lemonade
large serving of potato chips

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