Monday, November 19, 2012

159.0 Size 10 Dress!

There's me at my sister Megan's wedding this past weekend, in the size 10 dress!  It was actually even a wee bit big--I wanted to try on a size 8, just for grins, but 10 was the smallest we had.  Jack and I (and everyone else, as far as I could tell) had a really great time at the wedding and reception.

I've gained a pound since leaving for Kansas City on Wednesday, not bad considering the fact that I didn't work out Friday through Sunday and ate and drank to my heart's content on Saturday.  On Thursday I did go running outside, something I enjoyed much more than I thought I would.  I was running a lot slower, sure, but I was able to keep going for almost half an hour!  I would have kept running even longer but was in a hurry.  I didn't keep track of what I ate yesterday, so that's all for now!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! I'm actually a size 8 now. I know I haven't updated in a while... :/

  2. Yay! Did you make it to 145 by 2013? I slipped up a little over the holidays and got up to 158.8! Back to 152.8 today and making my way back down to 145, myself.

    1. Hi Cherise! No, not quite. That's funny though, I was 152.8 yesterday! I keep meaning to update.
