Sunday, January 27, 2013

149.2 It's 2013! New Mission...

I'm back!  I feel guilty for taking so long to update, but it's been hard enough lately just to get everything else done in one day that I need to.  But, since this blog is called 145 by 2013, I thought I should at least let everyone know if I met my goal!  Clearly I did not, but I'm very close.  Actually in the beginning of January I weighed 157, which is about the same I'd weighed since November (I didn't really lose any weight in November or December for some reason), but then, magically, a few days later I suddenly lost 5 lbs overnight!  And I've continued to lose more weight in the last couple weeks.  So far I've lost almost 8 lbs in January!  I'm currently a size 8 and working my way towards size 6.

The most confusing part about this is, I've actually been taking it easy this month.  I haven't been working out as much (usually 3-4 times per week) and I've been less careful about what I eat.  In fact, the night before I lost 5 lbs, I ate a bunch of donuts!  I'm trying not to look too much into this (it's tempting to think things like, "maybe I'll lose more weight if I just don't work out") and just keep doing what feels right.  Because doing what I feel like seems to be working best for me this month!

The pictures above are of me and Jack on New Years Eve and me before my interview at an optometry school the Friday before last (I was accepted, by the way!).  I have another interview in Phoenix a week from this Tuesday--I'm very excited for that because I've never been there and it looks like the weather is going to be great.

So.  I know my goal was to weigh 145 lbs, but when I look in the mirror, I feel like I look like I'm a bit more than 4 lbs from my true goal, which is to look good in a bikini!  As I think I've mentioned before in this blog, my actual weight is not as important to me as what I see in the mirror.  Therefore, my new mission for 2013 is to have a flat tummy by May!  That gives me 3 months, and by then I will have had this blog for 1 full year.

Alright's to going swimsuit shopping and walking away feeling good!!

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