Saturday, May 4, 2013

148.0 It's Been a Year!

Then (March 2010) and Now

Happy 1st Birthday to you, Blog.  It's been a year and I've lost over 40 lbs!  Of course I'm not at the goal weight that the name of this blog suggests, but I've succeeded at getting to what I believe is a "normal" weight for my body--the weight I seem to settle into when I'm healthy.  For the last few months I haven't really lost any weight (even though I gave up all added sugar for the month of April...well I may have cheated a bit with that), and my belly fat is stubbornly sticking around.  It's May and I do not have that "bikini body" of which I spoke in a recent post, but as you can see in the above photo, how I look now in a swimsuit is comparable to how I looked before I gained all the weight.  Back when I was overweight I would sometimes look wistfully at that photo and wish I was that skinny again.  I don't know how much I weighed in the "before" photo, but I think it was between 145 and 150.  I think I look a little different now (especially in the tummy) but not necessarily better or worse.  I do have some abs now, which I think you can sort of see, even under that layer of fat.  I know I'm being a bit down on myself, but I'm getting so sick of that "donut" that's stuck around all my life and just won't take the hint that it's not wanted!  Donut, it's not me, IT'S YOU.

However, I've been wondering whether it's me or the donut that's failing at getting flat abs.  Am I doing something wrong?  Is there something I should be cutting out of my diet (clearly cutting out sugar didn't  really help...although I did still eat a lot of fruit)?  Or is it just my body that won't let go of this last artifact of overweight me?  Perhaps my own body is thwarting my efforts?  I don't know.  I know that in general it seems to me like I eat way too much, but I'm hungry all the time.  Yesterday, for example, I  was snacking on something every hour or so because my tummy kept growling and wouldn't shut up!  I probably consumed almost 3,000 calories yesterday.  Sometimes I ask myself if I should cut back on my workouts, especially strength training, and cut my calories with it, but I immediately erase that thought from my head because it sounds awful!  Besides slimming down, I'm really trying to get fit.  To add to the confusion, I've heard conflicting theories on strength training and weight loss; my "personal trainer" at the gym told me that it would speed up my metabolism, causing me to lose fat more quickly, but recently I read online that it's impossible to build muscle and lose fat at the same time, and that you should try to lose the fat through cardio first before starting a strength training regimen.

I don't know, let's change the subject.  A couple weeks ago I cut all my hair off!  Here's another "before and after" pic--

I'm loving my new style.  I was getting so sick of that long stringy hair!  I donated it to Locks of Love of course.  The bangs do get a bit annoying (I hate the feeling of hair in my face), but recently I got some Bumble and Bumble Sumowax pomade and it helps a lot with keeping my hair in place.

One more pic in spirit of the Kentucky Derby today--

That's me and a friend at Derby-themed party in Fall 2009.  Isn't my hat amazing??  My mom made it :)

PS--No I did not forget that I said I would go bikini shopping in May.  I plan to go sometime this week and will post a pic of the one I decide on.  Have a good Cinco de Mayo!  I will be indulging in some homemade tacos and fresh margaritas tomorrow ;)

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