Friday, May 24, 2013

144.4 Re-Assessment and Diet Update

Check it out, I'm under my "Goal Weight"!  To think I sat on a platuea for four whole months when all it took was a week and a half to slash those few pounds.

Today is the 11th day of my diet and I've lost 4.6 lbs.  This week was a little disheartening at first, because Tuesday through Thursday I stayed at 145.8 lbs.  Then magically this morning the scale revealed to me that I had lost 1.4 lbs!

Doing this diet really hasn't been hard, and bringing my calories up to maintenance on the weekends definitely helps keep it realistic and reasonable, and keeps me sane.  I haven't even been that hungry--it only took a couple days for my body to adjust to the decrease in calories.  Things might get sketchy the next few days because of Memorial Day Weekend, however...we are leaving town tonight and not coming back until Monday evening.  I think I will try to stay at my maintenance calories without using My Fitness Pal since I've sort of gotten a feel for how much food/drinks that is.  I just feel like when I use it around other people, it makes me seem antisocial (mainly because it usually takes me a while to find something on there that's similar enough to what we're actually eating).  If I'm lucky, the scale won't go above 145 Tuesday morning.

Some more good news--I'm back to getting re-assessments at the gym!  It turns out my old trainer Ashley was wrong (or lieing?) about how you are allowed a limited number of free assessments.  I was talking to another trainer there last week and she said you can keep doing them forever if you want!  So I set up an appointment with her this past Tuesday and we will start back up monthly.  Here are the results; I've lost quite a few inches since my last one in November, especially in my waist (increase in arms is due to biceps):

Shoulders: 40/-2/-8.5
Chest: 36.5/-1.75/-7
Waist: 32.5/-3.75/-7.5
Hips: 37.55/-1.75/-4
Thigh: 20/-1.25/-2.5
Arm: 11/+.25/-1
BF%: 25.7/-3.1/-9.3

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!  For me it's just about to start :)

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