Saturday, June 1, 2013

143.8 Lost 4.2 Lbs in May!

I lost 4.2 net lbs in May--I haven't been able to make a statement like that in months!!  I'm so ecstatic that my weight loss is back on track.

Diet update: It's the 16th day of my diet (not counting Memorial Day Weekend) and I've lost 5.2 lbs so far.  In my last post, I said that when I weighed myself on Tuesday after Memorial Day, I hoped to be no more than 145, and that's exactly what I was!  Following the same pattern as last week (odd), I stayed that same weight until Thursday, then went down .6 pounds on Friday and again today.  So really I only lost 0.6 lbs since last week, but it's not too bad considering the holiday.

Last night there were tornados in our area.  After hearing sirens, Jack and I brought the cats down to our creepy dirt floor basement and stayed there for about a half hour until we were in the clear.  While it was very gusty with severe thunderstorms outside our house, we did not witness an actual tornado.  I found out later, however, that there was a lot damage to houses and other buildings, as well as terrible accidents on the highway (a couple semis overturned) not 10 minutes from where we live.  We were very lucky!

Not much going on this weekend, although Jack's birthday is this Tuesday so we may go somewhere to celebrate tomorrow.  Cheers!